Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Little Bit About Us

Hey, fellow fashion gurus~ okay, so we aren't two up and coming fashion designers, or fashion editors, or the daughters of anyone in the industry. We're just two best friends, Madison and Livvy, who both share the same love- fashion, and the world that revolves around it. Through this blog we hope to keep you up to date with the current trends as well as those to come along. We also want to share our opinions on the styles and designers' collections. Hopefully, if needed, we can help give you advice and tips about fashions that would best fit you and your personality. We understand being on a budget and not being able to spend $400 dollars on a top, so we are going to try to find the best deals on top trends. More than anything, we want a way to express our passion. We hope that you will enjoy this blog and gain something by reading our posts. Expect to see a new post within the next couple days to show you our personal sense of style and help you with some back to school fall trends.
Love, The Fashionettes


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Two best friends ready to blog about their passion for fashion, and hopefully, to save the world from another "Fashion Police" outfit, one post at a time.

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