Get to know us!

We are The Fashionettes, two best
friends. Madison is a highschool sophmore with a love for everything fashion and completley obsessed with
vintage clothes. Olivia is a highschool  freshman with similar intrests and enjoys playing volleyball.We both started this blog as a way to share our passion with the world and do something we both enjoy together. We also are both hoping to go to college at an art and design school. Madison hopes to double major in writing and fashion marketing and Olivia is currently planning on majoring in fashion marketing. We both would like to be fashion journalists when we grow up. This is one of our many ways trying to prepare ourselves for the competitive industry. Hopefully, we can gain insight and experience. Every single aspect of the industry completley fascinates us. Keeping up with all of the latest trends as well as making some of our own is our life. As this blog progresses we can only hope to do the same in our craft.

About Us

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Two best friends ready to blog about their passion for fashion, and hopefully, to save the world from another "Fashion Police" outfit, one post at a time.

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