Thursday, July 29, 2010

Livvy's Personal Style- Soft, Girly, Flirty, Chic, Retro

Hey there, fashionistas! Alrighty, so this is my (Livvy's) outfit that I think best represents my personal style. Madison and I have very similar taste in fashion in the sense that we both love very girly and soft, feminine pieces. We are total shopaholics and do like to blow our money every chance we get! But, that's off topic.

The first piece is the shoes. I always like to start an outfit from the shoes on up, because it's so much easier narrowing everything down and putting together an outfit if you already have the shoes picked out. Now, all of the pieces shown can be purchased from online.

These boots are called "Butler Street" and are $39.99. I love their sepia-toned color, the lace-up front, the almond-shaped toe and the cuff. What's great as well is that the boots are so versatile. They can be paired with numerous outfits, and every girl needs boots like that! They have a nice, retro feel and are great for everyday outings.


Now, onward! The next piece is the dress. I absolutely ADORE dresses paired with boots like these. The matching of the two is so cute and the dress really plays up the entire outfit. This dress is called "Feeling Bubbly" and is $79.99. I love the navy blue color because it goes fantastically with the boots, and it's super retro and chic. It reminds me of a sailor girl and the bust of the dress is just stunning. I think that the fit of the dress would compliment a lot of body types, as well. Like the boots, the dress is so versatile and could easily be matched with flats, heels, wedges, you name it! 
Okay, so now we've got the two main pieces- shoes and dress. Now, it's time to glam it up with accessories! The first accessories piece really ties the whole outfit together perfectly. Not only does it make the dress match a lot better with the boots, it fits with my flirty, chic, girly, soft, retro look. Adding a belt to almost any outfit makes it look 1,000 times better. This belt is called "Save the Bets for Lasso" and is $17.99. I love how it's wide and braided, and I absolutely love the gold rope-like buckle. Very cool. It's practical and chic, and can go with nearly anything!

These pieces of jewelery really complete the whole outfit, in my opinion. The necklace is called "Anchoring for Accessories" and goes along with the nautical feel.  
 The last piece is a beautiful, classy ring. The ring is called "Wingfield Ring" and is $15.99. Obviously, the blue of the roses matches the dress and boots, while the gold of the band looks great with the necklace and buckle of the belt. The ring gives the look a slightly classy, elegant touch and, yet again, is such a versatile piece of accessory, which is one of my pet peeves. Because, why buy something if it can only be worn once?

I hope you enjoyed an inside look on my personal style. Not all of you have to like it, I'm just showing you the types of things I love to wear. For me, it's all about looking good and making a statement everywhere I go! If you have any questions on any of the individual pieces or are unsure about things you can pair with them, feel free to ask away! That's what we're here for- advice and insight on fashion.

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Madison's personal style- soft, feminine, vintage

For an outfit to best showcase my personal style I chose this one. This shows my personal style because I love floral prints and different pink hues to compliment my fair skin tone. My style is very soft and girly with a vintage twist. I love clothes that have a vintage look because they tend to be different than what you see on the streets every day and the style is very unique.
The dress I chose is from a neat
little online boutique called ModCloth. They
specialize in retro, vintage, and indie style clothing.
The dress is $94.99 and can
be ordered from

I love to accesorize and when I do I like to incorporate all of the colors I can in the outfit. The pink heels I chose are from Charlotte Russe, another store I love that has amazing prices. The shoes are $25.50 and can be purchased online as well as in store. The brown bag is from dELiAs and costs only $24.50. I love jewlery and the bracelet I chose is from forever21. The bracelet set is only $5.80. What I love about this outfit is that it can be dressed up or down. You could easily subsitute the pink heels for some flats and have a more casual outfit. Overall the whole outfit is both affordable and adorable. It's cute,girly, and interesting. The shape of the dress will compliment about every body type. So, thats my personal style.
Love, Madison

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Little Bit About Us

Hey, fellow fashion gurus~ okay, so we aren't two up and coming fashion designers, or fashion editors, or the daughters of anyone in the industry. We're just two best friends, Madison and Livvy, who both share the same love- fashion, and the world that revolves around it. Through this blog we hope to keep you up to date with the current trends as well as those to come along. We also want to share our opinions on the styles and designers' collections. Hopefully, if needed, we can help give you advice and tips about fashions that would best fit you and your personality. We understand being on a budget and not being able to spend $400 dollars on a top, so we are going to try to find the best deals on top trends. More than anything, we want a way to express our passion. We hope that you will enjoy this blog and gain something by reading our posts. Expect to see a new post within the next couple days to show you our personal sense of style and help you with some back to school fall trends.
Love, The Fashionettes

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Two best friends ready to blog about their passion for fashion, and hopefully, to save the world from another "Fashion Police" outfit, one post at a time.

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