Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Trend #3: Heads Up for Military

This is the third fall trend, and our personal favorite- military. It's also the most popular. With this trend you can do pretty much anything you want because there are so many pieces that are involved. The problem, though, is this look can be overdone. Remember, people, you're not in the military. You're trying to pull off the look. So don't wear cargo pants, boots, a camo top, and the military jacket. You want to try and wear one piece at a time or else it will look overdone and like you're trying too hard. Also, PLEASE do not wear camo! "Oh, really? You're going for the military look? Who coulda guessed?" It's way too cliche and obvious. You want to be a little more original than that. All of the boots are from, one of our favorite sites for finding trends, if you haven't noticed yet. The dress (item 3), shirt (item 8), vest (item 10), and final jacket (item 11) are all from dELiAs. The black jacket (item 6) is from Macy's and would be considered our splurge. We like to try and keep things on a budget for you guys, but when we saw this jacket, we couldn't resist. It is $199.99. The other two jackets pictured (items 7 and 9) are from This look is fairly easy to pull off if you do it right and can look very grunge-chic. However, it is very easy to overdo it, so be careful! If you guys have any questions about this trend or any of these pieces, just ask! In fact, if you guys ever have any questions on anything fashion, just comment on any post.
Love, The Fashionettes


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